Hotter speed and turning than competition kites. Higher-quality exercise and livelier pull than power kites. WindDances are "airgear," a new concept. They fly better and feel more exciting than typical stunt kites. Our other advancements: Ergo T-handles that boost feel, control, exercise. Natural active FLY-a-kite skill. |
Homepage |
We maintain this Catalog/Store -- a snapshot of what it was on July-6-2006 when we sold our last WindDance and retired our Seattle AirGear business -- as part of our website archive of "dual-line kite FLYING with natural active skill" knowledge not available elsewhere. Explore under INFORMATION below.
Products / Information
ITEMS: Descriptions & Prices INFORMATION: WindDances, WindDancing, Basics WindDance 1
WindDance 2
WindDance 3Accessories
What's in stock
Closeout Specials
What's included with a WindDance
Additional gear needed
Customer support
Payment methods
What's in stock
Spectra dual-line kits
Lineset-making service
Card winders
Control handles
Endloop kit
Patching film
Bumpy-wind-adapter cord
Control lines -- INFO
Line lube -- INFO
Groundstake/windwand -- INFO
Tails -- INFO
Wind meters -- INFO
No sales tax for WA residents
Possible customs/excise taxes
Shipping and handling
How to order
WindDance & WindDancing information
Product Summary: Hotter speed and turning than performance and competition kites (see the videos). High-quality exercise than power and traction kites. Livelier feel and greater turning power than other stunt kites. You can TAME speed and pull (for small flyers or strong winds) by adding a pair of cheap videotape tails. Nearly indestructible. Have it all with a versatile WindDance.
Specifications Colors Performance curves Manual (PDF)
WindDance flight envelope: Where the fun happens!
Learn The BASICS, the fundamentals of actively "FLYING" a dual-line kite. The knowledge is not taught by organized kiting, the skill not enabled by the dual-line/quad-line kites or control handles/bars furnished by organized kiting and therefore isn't taught by organized kiting, however newbies and experts alike really need these basics in order to have all the fun in the Product Summary above and shown in the Video Clips below, which is why we present these basics on this website (and in the WindDance User's Manual). What kind of fun do the basics enable? Visual speed-&-turning excitement, physical speed-&-turning excitement, and one-arm-at-a-time body-torquing exercise every time you actively corner powerfully with ALL the pull in ONE control line -- as you crank fast-and-tight hard turns perhaps once a second or faster.
Video Clips: 22 WindowsMedia clips, 30 QuickTime clips
The essence of WindDancing. Way-too-much-fun (WTMF) excerpts from the user's manual (sense of humor required).
Illustrations WindDance 2 photos WindDance 3 photos More photos (WD1/2/3)
WindDance in a very-sharp turn! One wingtip flies at 100 mph in 10 mph wind! How? With basic skill like this!
Fliers (PDF): A B C D Kiting Safety
What's NEW Testimonials TIPS FAQs
What are the different TYPES of dual-line kites?
How hot is the acceleration, speed, turning, and physical thrill?
How hard does a WindDance pull?
How good are the workouts? , More
How "WindDance airgear" compares to "typical kites:"
Kite speed-skating with a WindDance! , More
Buggying, kite surfing, and other forms of traction kiting with a WindDance
Can a WindDance be flown as a quad?
Can you sea kayak with a WindDance?
Why do some call our kites WindDancers?
How does a 100%-soft WindDance become rigid flying machine?
Which WindDance is best for you?
About Seattle AirGear WindDance history
Summary of WindDance performance and WindDancing fun:
WindDance airgear and WindDancing are a huge step up from the usual kites and the usual flying, because they're about "REAL kite flying."
When you "FLY" a kite -- using "airgear," "active skill," and "ergo T-handles" -- your fun explodes!
Taste the hot speed & agility & liveliness: CLICK HERE & HERE & HERE!
Taste the terrific workouts: CLICK HERE & HERE!
Taste the overall pure fun: CLICK HERE & HERE!
WindDancing -- with "WindDance airgear," "active skill," and "ergo T-handles" -- is vastly more than what's provided and practiced by organized kiting: Kite-culture flying vs. REAL kite flying.
These fundamentals of actively "FLYING" a dual-line stunt kite -- for beginners and experts alike -- deliver visual/physical speed-&-turning excitement and simultaneous high-quality exercise. We wish organized kiting and it's "kite culture" would teach these bare basics also.
- What is a stunt kite?
- A primer on "FLYING a dual-line stunt kite":
- The two different types of dual-line kites
- "REAL" kite flying , MORE:
"AirGear" performance & handling -- the three essential FLYING qualities needed for hot performance and good exercise. WindDances are the only dual-line kites that have them. MORE. Learn how and why the usual kites don't have these basic FLYING qualities: CLICK HERE and HERE.
"Full" basic skill -- the sport's easiest, hottest, best-exercise skill of all. Avoid or cure the most common skill mistakes: CLICK HERE.
Ergonomic T-handles -- sensibly designed to operate in harmony with the human body, and needed for hot performance and good exercise. How the most-popular control handles/bars interfere with your comfort, feel, control, and workouts: CLICK HERE and HERE.
"Kite FLYING" with "basic skill" -- the complete course.
How to use your brain and body in the funnest ways possible:
For your own safety, be careful at kite festivals and at other kite-culture flying sites.
- Kite-Flying Safety flier (PDF) -- produced right after a scary kite-nazi incident on Seattle's Kite Hill in 2003
WindDance 1, 2, 3 WHAT'S INCLUDED with each WindDance: Each WindDance comes with a color-coordinated kite bag, comprehensive user's manual, tuning ruler, guarantee, and long-term customer support.
ADDITIONAL GEAR NEEDED: lines, winder, handles, groundstake/windwand, and perhaps a pair of tails to slow it down and reduce pull when necessary. In addition we suggest our free patching film, our free nylon-cord for making "bumpy-wind" adapters for turbulent wind, and silicone or teflon lubricant spray for your Spectra control lines.
WindDance 1 $99.95
Sold OutComplete product information.
Summary: The WD1 is our least expensive, easiest to fly, most versatile (widest sane-pull wind range, best for rapidly-changing and turbulent winds), and highest overall performance model (the advantage in turning sharpness exceeds its tiny speed deficit). The only thing it lacks is exciting pull in weak wind, and extreme pull in strong wind. If you're into speed & turning excitement, this is the best choice for winds 10 mph and higher. The WD1 can fly competition patterns, but at 2-4 times the usual speed and with perfect tracking. For example, in strong wind the WD1 can fly a 10-ft square in less than one second, aerobatic performance beyond the capability of most flyers. (The WD1 is the slowest of the three models.) Like the WD2 and WD3, it turns and spins at the side-edge far better than deltas, especially in the turning-downward direction. Do feel free to fly it mellowly, too. When your technique becomes sensitive and smooth, you can even fly it in winds below 3 mph. Because it's so forgiving and pulls relatively lightly, it's the best choice for kids, and for others who don't particularly care for strong pull that makes your arms feel like the drumsticks being torn off the Holiday turkey. The high-performance wind range? 5-30 mph all at the same bridle setting -- and you can encounter that full range within seconds in gusting winds during which the pull rises strongly with the wind but remains manageable. No other sport kites come close to having all these performance capabilities. In strong wind, if speed becomes too hot to handle and pull becomes excessive, tame your WD1 by adding tails (also do this with the WD2 and WD3).
The WD1's wide versatility comes with a price: the power is relative weak in lighter winds, and that's why guys and athletic people generally prefer the WD2 over the WD1.
In lighter winds, the WD1 flies more slowly than in the WindDance 1 at play video clip's 10-mph winds. In stronger winds, faster!
For many, the WD1 is the best choice. Bigger is not necessarily better.
Compared to other parafoils of the same size: The WD1 has superior acceleration, speed, turning sharpness & speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, powerzone pull, turning pull, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, and long-term product support. Usually, superior strength & durability, too. CLICK HERE.
Compared to deltas of the same size: The WD1 has similar turning sharpness -- and superior acceleration, speed, turning speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, packability, strength & durability, and long-term product support. CLICK HERE.
Compared to stackable parafoils: CLICK HERE.
Compared to sparred parafoils: CLICK HERE.
Best for: Medium-light to strong winds. Unsteady, turbulent, gusting winds. High-speed, ultra-quick-&-tight-turning, and powerful-turning aerobatics. Incredibly spectacular speed & turning in brisk wind that certainly puts hot delta kites to shame (see video clip). Side-by-side flying. Self-relaunching after crashes. Bounce-'n'-fly tricks. Smaller, less-strong fliers. Low-impact strength & aerobic exercise: although the force-&-movement active-turning effort is less than with the WD2 and WD3, you turn far more often -- in brisk winds, you can easily do 1500 reps of "pumping air" with each side of your body per hour!
Light winds: Needs steady 5 mph wind to feel "solid," 1 mph more than the WD2.
Required control movement: 18" for pivot-on-a-wingtip turns & spins.
WindDance 2 $124.95
Sold OutComplete product information.
Summary: The WD2 is the all-around model, and our best seller. The light-wind limit, suitable upper-wind limit (including unexpected gusts), pull, speed, control sensitivity, turning, and turning energy lie between the WD1 and WD3. The WD2 is hugely different from both other models in the speed & turning you see and feel, and most importantly in how the wind feels -- the WD1, WD2, and WD3 feel like completely different kites. Some flyers get the WD1 and the WD3 to "cover the full range" and pass on the WD2. Boy, do they ever miss out!
Compared to the WD1, the WD2 has slightly higher speed, does somewhat "looser" aerobatics, and has a lot more power. That extra power is why guys and athletic people generally prefer the WD2 over the WD1. Although you can do snappy on-a-wingtip turns & spins and sharp square corners just like the WD1 (in lighter winds it can turn inside a wingtip, like all three models do), the outer wingtip has to travel farther during the turn which makes each turn a bit wider and longer than with the WD1.
Compared to other parafoils of the same size: The WD2 has superior acceleration, speed, turning sharpness & speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, powerzone pull, turning pull, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, and long-term product support. Usually, superior strength & durability, too. CLICK HERE.
Compared to deltas of the same size: The WD2 has similar turning sharpness -- and superior acceleration, speed, turning speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, packability, strength & durability, and long-term product support. CLICK HERE.
Compared to stackable parafoils: CLICK HERE.
Compared to sparred parafoils: CLICK HERE.
Best for: Light to medium-strong winds. Moderately unsteady, turbulent, gusting winds. High-speed, tight-turning, powerful-turning aerobatics. Side-by-side flying. Working out with more force and body motion than the WD1 but with less rep frequency; the WindDancing Workout accidentally happens when you do high-speed tight-turning aerobatics in energetic fashion with all three models.
Light winds: Needs steady 4 mph wind, 1 mph more than the WD3.
Speed, flying straight & while turning: in the same wind, 5% more than the WD1.
Pull: in the same wind, 50% more than the WD1.
Turning radius & duration: 30% more than the WD1.
Required control movement: 24" for pivot-on-a-wingtip turns & spins, 30% more than the WD1.
Required turning energy: 100% more than the WD1.
WindDance 3 $149.95
Sold OutComplete product information.
Summary: The WD3 is not a 'power' kite in the usual sense. It's a speed & turning fun machine -- and an aerobatic exercise machine (all the pull is in one arm when turning it hard) -- just like the WD1 and WD2 but with more speed, wider turning, more pull, more control movement, fewer turns per minute, and more turning energy per turn. Typical 'power' flying -- with its lower speed, sluggish turning, steady pull, and unlively feel -- always the same pull in both arms -- is terribly boring in comparison. WindDancing with a WD3 offers far more speed & turning thrill, far joltier pull, stronger powerzone pull and turning pull than other kites of similar size, and higher-quality exercise. This is also true for the WD1 and WD2.
The WD3 has higher speed but does slightly "looser" aerobatics than the WD2. Although you can do snappy on-a-wingtip turns & spins and sharp square corners just like the WD1 and WD2 (in lighter winds it can turn inside a wingtip), the outer wingtip has to travel farther during the turn which makes each turn a bit wider and slower than with the WD2. With a little practice, you can snap it around as sharply as you can an eight-foot competition delta -- but at two-to-four times competition flight speed.
This kite version is very popular for people from New Zealand who have a very big kite community. Because they helped us through the years, in their honor, we are giving a discount for short time on this kite and also everyone can get free $20 no deposit bonus code that will allow them to play any real money game in New Zealand online casinos for free.
Compared to other parafoils of the same size: The WD3 has superior acceleration, speed, turning sharpness & speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, powerzone pull, turning pull, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, and long-term product support. Usually, superior strength & durability, too. CLICK HERE.
Compared to deltas of the same size: The WD3 has similar turning sharpness -- and superior acceleration, speed, turning speed & power, tracking, aerobatic agility, response to active FLYING skill because it has the bridle system needed for aircraft-like turning, speed-&-pull response to the wind, steering-&-turning feel, wind range, ease of flying, exercise quality, versatility, packability, strength & durability, and long-term product support. CLICK HERE.
Compared to stackable parafoils: CLICK HERE.
Compared to sparred parafoils: CLICK HERE.
The WD1/2/3 have been used for beach buggying, and the WD3 for kite surfing, but they're not ideal for it. Due to their high aerodynamic efficiency and small size, WindDances are best suited for high-speed beam-reach land sailing with streamlined vehicles on pavement or ice. Kite buggying and surfing need bigger engines that don't have to be very efficient. See kite sailing.
Best for: Ultra-light to medium winds. Smooth, steady winds; in unsteady and gusting winds, the pull jolts can become excessive. High-speed, tight-turning, powerful-turning aerobatics. Larger, stronger fliers. Working out in lighter winds: more turning force x more control movement = more exercise = more calories burned than with the smaller models in the same wind.Remember, in strong winds when your arms get pulled straight so powerfully you can't swing them down and back to turn sharply, your workout is nil: strong force x no arm or body motion = no exercise, similar to the exercise you get while hanging by your hands from a limb of a tree. In winds that strong, fly outside of the powerzone so you can swing your arms in order to turn and work out -- or switch to a WD2 so you can improve the quality of your exercise.
Speed, flying straight & while turning: in the same wind, 5% more than the WD2, 10% more than the WD1.
Light winds: Needs steady 3 mph wind.
Pull: in the same wind, 35% more than the WD2, 100% more than the WD1.
Turning radius & duration: 25% more than the WD2, 60% more than the WD1.
Required control movement: 30" for pivot-on-a-wingtip turns & spins, 25% more than the WD2, 60% more than the WD1.
Required turning energy: 60% more than the WD2, 220% more than the WD1.
Accessories (for WindDance buyers/owners only) Note: All three WindDance models use the same control lines. Light lines for "lighter winds" under 10-15 mph or so, heavier lines for "stronger winds" over 10-15 mph or so. Choose from our selection of Spectra dual-line kits.
Flying lines break. Have at least one spare line set, wound on a card winder and ready to fly. Repair the broken line later -- it's usually repairable if you make line sets the way we recommend in our dual-line-kit instructions; it breaks at the handle and you lose only ten inches of line. Transferring your handles to the fresh set of lines is fast.
For the hottest speed & turning and highest stability in turbulent winds, use 75-ft lines and the thinnest (weakest) lines you can get away with.
With 75 ft lines, edge to edge of the flight envelope is the width of a football field, so they're plenty long.
A WindDance has higher aerodynamic efficiency, therefore the reduced drag from shorter and thinner lines boosts performance more so than with other kites. Also, due to reduced line sag, control is quicker and more solid. Stability in turbulent wind is better, too -- when at the edge, turbulent blasts of wind on your flying lines are less likely to suddenly slacken your almost-slack lines and collapse the wing.
In strong winds, your WindDance may too fast for you and too hot to handle. Instead of using longer (100 ft) lines to enlarge the flight envelope, to reduce apparent speed, to give yourself more time to react -- and which makes your WindDance look smaller in the sky -- add a pair of long and colorful tails to slow it down.
For top performance, the WindDance 1, 2, and 3 all require basically the same lines. Thin lines for the light pull created by light winds. Stronger lines for the stronger pull generated by stronger winds.
The wind has a much larger effect on pull, and on required line strength, than WindDance size. With a smaller WindDance you get the same pull as the next larger WindDance but it happens at about 25% higher wind speed. For example, the WindDance 1 in 15 mph wind pulls about as hard as the WindDance 2 pulls in 12 mph wind, and about as hard as the WindDance 3 pulls in 10 mph wind. In the same wind, the WindDance 3 pulls about twice as hard as the WindDance 1, and the pull of the WindDance 2 falls about halfway in between, 50% more than the WindDance 1.
What material? Use 100% Spectra only. NEVER use Spectra-polyester-blend "sport" line. Stretchier polyester adds thickness and weight, and reduces speed & pull, and adds no strength whatsoever (same effect as weaving strands of rubber into standard rope). To make "sport" line, manufacturers add polyester to high-performance 100% Spectra line. It degrades the product's performance so they can sell it at a lower price. It's called "niche marketing."
What strength? 80-100 lb lines work fine for the WD1 up to about 15 mph, for the WD2 up to about 12 mph, and for the WD3 up to about 10 mph -- provided you push-turn to prevent excessive pull when in the powerzone and if you do not pull too hard during pull turns. If you pull-turn vigorously for speed-&-turning thrill and great exercise -- highly recommended!!! -- observe a lower wind-speed limit for these light lines or use somewhat stronger lines. Remember, if you make line sets the way we recommend, breaking & repairing lines is no big deal. In stronger winds, use 135-150 lb lines and be sure to prudently lower the bridle setting and/or add tails as necessary to reduce the pull in winds above 15-20 mph especially if they are gusty.
We never use anything stronger than 150 lb line -- it's strong enough to drag you. When the wind and pull get so strong it may snap 150 lb lines, we switch to the next smaller and quicker-&-tighter turning WindDance for an even more thrilling WindDancing experience and an even better WindDancing Workout!
What length? See Tips / The "best" line length?
Each Spectra dual-line kit listed below consists of a 150 ft or 200 ft spool of Western Filament Spectra line for making a pair of 75 ft or 100 ft lines, materials for making KITE-endloops and "looseners" for the HANDLE-endloops, four anti-snag vinyl endcaps, and instructions. Our kits make DELUXE linesets!
Although we offer lineset-making service, we strongly encourage you to make your own, and here's why.
More info on control lines.80 lb - 75 ft $7.00 -- Sold Out 80 lb - 100 ft $9.00 -- Sold Out 100 lb - 75 ft $7.50 -- Sold Out 100 lb - 100 ft $9.50 -- Sold Out 135 lb - 75 ft $8.00 -- Sold Out 135 lb - 100 ft $10.50 -- Sold Out 150 lb - 75 ft $8.50 -- Sold Out 150 lb - 100 ft $11.00 -- Sold Out 200 lb - 100 ft $15.50 -- Sold Out Endloop kit FREE. Contains all the parts for one lineset. Follow these online instructions. Lineset-making service $10 per lineset -- Sold Out (because winders are sold out)
We strongly encourage you to make your own linesets from the instructions that come with our Spectra dual-line kits. Tying knots and loops in kite string has always been a part of kite flying, and is something every kite flyer must learn. It's like tying your shoes: it may be difficult at first, but after the first time it's really easy. Doing it yourself prepares you for emergencies: while flying, if a line breaks at the handle or gets cut by another's line at the kite end, you'll know how to make a quick repair on the spot to keep on having fun.
If don't want to do it yourself, we can do it for you; you'll still have to silicone-lube them yourself. We make each lineset from a Spectra dual-line kit and a LaserPro card winder that you purchase -- that is, you must buy one Spectra dual-line kit and one card winder for each lineset we make for you.
We make them up as needed. Since we don't have a 120-ft-long room or hallway, we stretch-and-set the lines outdoors during which the lines lie briefly on the ground -- which has to be dry to avoid soiling the white Spectra lines.
It will DELAY SHIPMENT of your order by at least one biz day, possibly a week or more: I have to schedule with Sue to help make them, and we might have to wait a long time for the Seattle rain to stop and the ground to dry.Card winder, LaserPro One card winder stores both lines & both handles. It's called a "card" winder because it's flat like card. It works like a "spool." The two control line KITE-endloops loop onto the winder's slotted post and go on first, the two handles wind on last and are secured with the winder's shockcord. Needed for fast setup & takedown. Have one winder for each set of lines that you take with you when you go flying.
The winder works on the same principle as a fishing "spinning" reel. You wind both lines onto the winder from the same side the line unwinds off the winder. Twisting simply doesn't happen. The same thing as when winding and unwinding a pair of strings on and off a stick . . . remember doing it as a child?Ergonomic T-handles, Eclipse Products Bare wood handles, the absolute best for feel & control and product longevity (we're still using a pair we made in 1989!!), with thick soft webbing solidly attached at handle center. (Foam or plastic grips feel "slimy," and foam reduces sensitivity of the feel and disintegrates over time.) Comes with knotted flying-line length adjuster larkshead-knotted to the end of the webbing loop. Click on link at left to see illustration (it incorrectly shows a hole at the end of the webbing loop). Handles are color-coded so you can tell left from right. No need to have a pair of handles for each set of lines. You can quickly switch the handles to a different line set, such as to your 150-lb set after you break a 100-lb line (at the handle) during a gust or strong pull-turn.
Or make your own. Here's how."Bumpy-wind" adapter cord All Given Away, None Left. Nylon cord to make "bumpy-wind adapters" for WindDancing in really turbulent winds. 100-lb, 150-lb, & 200-lb nylon line.
In bumpy winds that cause many kites to fly poorly and break in midair, WindDances come alive with exciting pulsations of speed & pull! But sometimes the turbulent wind-shifts are too much. To prevent those adverse wind-direction changes from suddenly collapsing your WindDance, quickly install the stretchy adapters between your control handles and flying lines. Smoother excitement!
See Tips / Flying-line adapters for "bumpy wind"Patching film FREE for WindDance owners. Adhesive-backed clear plastic for repairing sails. For invisible repairs of punctures and small cuts & tears. Enough for a dozen 0.5-inch-diameter circular patches. Ask. Groundstake/windwand Want the best? Make your own: sharpen a 24-inch-long wooden stick or fiberglass/graphite rod, tie a length of brightly-colored yarn to the blunt end, and stick the sharp end into the ground at point F of the flight envelope. The yarn tells wind direction. You "stake" your handles to the ground during setup & takedown and while adjusting the bridle. How? By wrapping the flying-handle cord once around the base of the groundstake/windwand. Always fly near your stake, so that you don't walk backwards into a potentially-lethal delta sport kite that might be flying right behind you. What's best for flying at the beach? A longer and stronger stake that keeps your handles sand-free; consult the WindDance user's manual. Tails We use 1/2"-wide black mylar film: VHS videotape!!! It's spectacular: highly visible and crackles like electricity!!! Cost? 1/4 cent per foot, based on a $2 VHS-120. Contains almost 800 ft of tail material, enough for 20 pairs of 20-ft tails.
We also use "bird tape," 1/2"-wide mylar film that's reflective on one side and red on the other. Available in gardening and hardware stores. Holographic versions, too.
Or use whatever else works. For example, try two big handkerchiefs. Once on a strong-wind day, we larksheaded our mooring loops to two bunches of long dried grass we harvested from the edge of the field -- these were the most effective "airbrakes" we ever used!
Or use real kite tails: 1"-wide ripstop fabric tail material in many colors. Purchase from HANG-EM-HIGH ONLINE STORE.
To reduce speed and pull the least for light winds, use a pair tails 3 ft to 20 ft long.
To slow it down and reduce pull the most for strong winds, use BIGGER and LONGER tails up to 40 ft long to make them function as good "airbrakes." Or use bushy tails: two to several tails per mooring loop.
See Tips / Cheap tails.Wind meters Thermometer-style Dwyer wind meter. Accurate, and if cared for will last many years. Purchase from HANG-EM-HIGH ONLINE STORE.
WindDance video
42 min, VHS, NTSC$4.00 (our cost) -- Sold Out
If purchased separately, we add shipping and handling.
About the video.
How flyers and kite shops reacted to our video.
The new WindDance2000 models perform even more spectacularly than the original models in the video! Plus they feel more lively and powerful!
Payment methods Or pay by money order, cashier's check, or personal check (USA customers only) in US funds payable to "Seattle AirGear." If you pay by check, shipping will be delayed until check clears.
Sales tax Residents of Washington State: sales tax is included in the price.
Possible customs/excise taxes for international customers You may have to pay customs/excise taxes and fees which will be collected by your postal service. The import-tax bite varies widely from country to country from 0% to 70%. Whether or not you are taxed can depend on the whim of your customs agents. Many of our customers have lucked out.
Use the internet to investigate YOUR country's import taxes & fees before you order. WindDances are classified as "kites" or "stunt kites" or "toys" or "sports equipment".
In some countries you pay no import taxes/fees if your WindDance-&-accessory shipment is below a certain value, so size your order accordingly.
Shipping and handling WindDance-and-accessories orders:
Within USA and to all other Zip Codes: We charge you Priority Mail postage, insurance, and delivery confirmation as determined by the rate calculator on plus $1 handling.
Need it faster? We offer insured Express Mail; we charge you Express Mail postage and insurance as determined by the rate calculator on plus $1 handling (tracking service is included).
To see what Priority Mail or Express Mail charges may be, use the calculator and plug in 98103 (origin ZIP) and 2 lbs (typical weight of a one-kite-with-accessories order).
To all other countries: We charge you Express Mail postage and insurance as determined by the rate calculator on plus $1 handling (tracking service is included).
To see what the charges may be, use the calculator and plug in 2 lbs (typical weight of a one-kite-with-accessories order).
Accessory-only orders:
Cheapest-possible airmail postage and insurance as determined by the rate calculator on plus $1 handling.Shipping time:
We process and ship as soon as we can. Our speed depends on our work load, and on our retirement-fun load. "Receive order" to "ship out" varies from same-day to in-a-few-days. Estimated deliver time by USPS can be determined on International delays are due to customs/excise processing.
How to Order Phone in your credit-card order.
Fax your credit-card order using our Fax/Mail ORDER FORM. Or mail it to us with your credit-card info or payment.
About security:
NEVER email credit-card info.
If you are using a cordless phone or a cell phone, be aware that your credit-card information could be heard or recorded by others listening in with scanners. To be safe, use a hard-wired phone (like ours).
Faxing is safe for credit-card sales if you dial our fax number correctly. Be sure to face the printed side the right way (we have received blank faxes).
Mailing is safe also (if you address the envelope correctly).
Only the two owners of Seattle AirGear, Dan & Sue, ever see your credit-card info. We never enter credit-card numbers into our computer system. Read more about security and privacy.
What's in stock as of Jul-6-2006
WindDance 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
WindDance 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
WindDance 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out80 lb 75 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
Why aren't the WindDance 1/2/3 in all colors -- or the accessories below -- available anymore? Read our "What's New" page -- how we announced and began our retirement from biz but not from fun.
80 lb 100 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
100 lb 75 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
100 lb 100 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
135 lb 75 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
135 lb 100 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
150 lb 75 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
150 lb 100 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
200 lb 100 ft Spectra dual-line kit . . . . . . . . Sold Out
Card winder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
Ergonomic T-handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
Lineset-making service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out (because lines and winders are sold out)
WindDance video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sold Out
Free endloop kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes
Free patching film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes
Free "bumpy-wind" cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Given Away, None Left
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WindDance dual-line parafoil stunt kites/sport kites are developed, sold, and backed by Seattle AirGear.
WindDance, WindDancing, Seattle AirGear, and AirGear are trademarks of Seattle AirGear.
Copyright © 1995-2017 Seattle AirGear.
This page current as of Apr-15-2020