Hotter speed and turning than competition kites. Higher-quality exercise and livelier pull than power kites. WindDances are "airgear," a new concept. They fly better and feel more exciting than typical stunt kites. Our other advancements: Ergo T-handles that boost feel, control, exercise. Natural active FLY-a-kite skill. |
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How WindDances are special in several ways!
Organized kiting offers two tracks for dual-line kite flyers: Trick & competition 'performance' flying. And 'power/traction' flying.
Seattle AirGear offers a third: "WindDancing!"
- What is WindDancing? It's a new and distinctly-different class of sport kiting: Easy, fun-recreational, healthful-exercise, high-performance, sport-kite FLYING!
- Hotter speed & turning, and lots easier, than 'performance' flying with delta sport kites! Better exercise, too!
- More speed-&-turning thrill, and higher-quality exercise, than 'power' flying! And far livelier pull!
- To WindDance, of course, you need a WindDance by Seattle AirGear!
- Hotter FLYING performance than delta kites in several exciting ways including superior edge to power-zone acceleration and responsiveness to the wind, better tracking, and faster & more-powerful turning! WindDances also corner sharply: they turn & spin on-a-wingtip! Hotter FLYING performance than sparred-parafoil kites and other parafoil kites! Our WindDance video shows all this! We sent one to every kite retailer in the USA & Canada! Visit your nearest kite shop to see it!
- Are WindDances typical 'power' kites? No. WindDancing -- with its greater acceleration, higher speed, sharper & faster turning, more powerful turning (because the pull rises rather than falls when you turn), far livelier pull including intense sharp pulses of pull in strong winds -- is far more exciting than normal power flying! Typical power flying -- with its slower speed, less-spirited turning, and steadier & softer pull -- feels more like playing tug-of-war with a long bungee tied to a telephone pole.
- Above all, WindDance parafoils are superior-performance alternatives to delta sport kites for flyers who seek exciting high-performance sport-kite FLYING -- such as high-speed fast-&-tight-turning aerobatics that are far more spectacular than the flying you see in serious and competitive sport kiting! Even novices and children can do it! Bystanders have asked WindDancers, "What kind of engine does that thing have in it?" The lively powerful feel and superior exercise enhance all that fun! Delta kites are ideal for trick & competition flying, a type of sport kiting featuring relatively low FLYING performance, greater difficulty, and less excitement and exercise.
- WindDances are so versatile they deliver "one-kite-does-all" sport kite FLYING!
Easy for beginners: only basic skills are needed, WindDances are forgiving to pull-too-far and pull-too-hard mistakes, speed & pull can be quickly subdued when necessary, and ground-avoidance skills are not necessary. With a WindDance, "crashing" and "landing" are the same thing. Exciting for experts, too: in 15 mph wind the WindDance 1 can do a precise 10-ft square in less than one second, a challenge for even the world's best flyers.
Delta kites flex and deform out of shape, and their performance & handling deteriorate, as wind & pull rise. They have narrow wind ranges. None perform & handle well in both very-light and very-strong winds, or in widely-fluctuating winds either. When a 20 mph gust hits while flying in 3 mph wind, an ultra-light delta self-destructs in midair. Few delta kites perform or handle well in winds above 10-15 mph, or in choppy winds either, because of the way they distort and shudder & flutter.
WindDance parafoils are very different! They keep their shape, and their hot performance and nice handling, as wind & pull rise! They have wide light-wind to strong-wind ranges, and perform well in winds that fluctuate widely as you fly! And in choppy winds, too! When a 20 mph gust hits while WindDancing in 3 mph wind, a WindDance becomes a very exciting high-speed tight-turning power kite; your lines may break, but your WindDance won't! Each WindDance model does well in all reasonable winds!
For flyers into the joy of FLYING sport kites, one WindDance replaces several of the usual specialized kites -- entry-level, intermediate, advanced, light-wind, medium-wind, strong-wind, precision, speed, power -- and surpasses each of those in FLYING performance and durability! Having to purchase many different specialized kites is not necessary!
Choose the model with the turning and pull qualities you like best!
- WindDances are also for flyers who want "hassle-free" and "safer" sport kiting! Delta kites -- with their many spars and fittings -- have much slower setup and takedown, break much more easily, and require much more fixing. And they have seriously injured bystanders; it's like being hit by a very heavy blunt arrow. WindDance parafoils -- sparless, always fully assembled and ready to fly -- set up and take down rapidly, and have a record of being extremely durable. 100%-soft WindDances are much less likely to cause injury to bystanders.
- By precision-tuning with the two simple bridle adjusters and the precision-tuning ruler, you maximize a WindDance's speed & turning performance to spectacular high levels! Like tuning in a radio station, you tune in your WindDance's performance until it comes in loud and clear!
- Simple performance-tuning! With other kites, you must change the bridle setting for different wind strengths. With a WindDance, one peak-performance bridle setting (the precision-tuned setting above) is good for all winds from near-zero to 20+ mph! You may have to increase it slightly for turbulent wind or rough skill, and decrease it slightly for strong wind to keep the pull sane. Simple!
- The hot FLYING performance can be tamed when necessary for novices, strong winds, and leisurely flying! How? By adding a pair of long and colorful tails to slow it down!
- No spars! No hardware! No fittings! 100% soft! The benefits? Safer if you accidentally hit anyone. Much faster setup and takedown! Compact: a tightly-rolled WindDance fits into a large coffee cup! Virtually indestructible during high-impact crashes (60 mph crashes are OK) and during midair collisions with your partner's WindDance!
- Only basic pull-on-your-kite-line skills are needed, even for ultra-hot turning! Pull on both lines to keep it airborne, and to make it GO! Pull on one line to make it TURN & SPIN on a wingtip! To pull, merely swing your arm(s) from front to back like when walking fast, stepping back as needed to sustain or strengthen the pull! Want a faster turn or spin? Pull harder on that one line! Want a longer spin? Pull farther on that one line! What could be simpler! Even children catch on fast!
- Forgiving! At first it may not go where you want it to, such as into the ground at high speed, but so what! Ground-avoidance skills are not necessary! A new flyer and a new WindDance break in together! With most dual-line kites, pulling too hard and/or too far on one line is a big mistake: it makes them turn poorly, break, or fall out the sky. A 'mistake' like that is hot turning technique for a WindDance!
- Superior response to the wind! Typical dual-line kites distort way out of shape and lose considerable performance as the wind rises, as their speed & pull increase, and when they turn. Aeronautically-engineered WindDances keep their shape and performance like rigid airplane wings! That's why WindDances have hot edge to power-zone acceleration with power-zone speeds about 4-times wind speed! Why they accelerate "like a bullet" when the wind kicks in! Why turning performance is incredibly exciting, especially in strong winds! And why each model is a great light-wind kite and a wonderful strong-wind kite!
- Superior tracking! Most sport kites sideslip, understeer/oversteer, and require tricky corrective control movements when cornering. WindDances track like they're on rails!
- The pull RISES when you turn, an exciting steering-&-turning feel that's new to sport kites! (With other dual-line kites, the pull typically drops when you turn.) With a WindDance you feel exciting turning forces like when driving a sports car, bicycling, or skiing! What a thrill! This hot steering-&-turning feel also provides superior control, faster learning, and better exercise!
- Very-dynamic pull! As you fly from the edge to the power-zone, the pull rises about 2000% (more than other kites)! The pull rises when you turn (with other kites the pull drops)! And you feel every little bump in the wind (other kites have a less-lively feel)! When WindDancing in strong wind, those "pull increases" yank you downwind and the "bumps" become jolts!
- Higher-quality exercise! Delta-kite flying provides poor exercise: the pull drops when you turn especially when you punch-turn, and you slacken your lines -- you eliminate pull -- to un-fly and do tricks. Power flying is strenuous, but it's poor exercise because you don't move your stretched arms or your body very much and the pull drops when you turn. When WindDancing energetically, the exercise quality is much higher: you swing your arm to pull-turn x pull that rises when you turn = your Turning-Energy output! It feels like poling while cross-country skiing. And you move around a lot, too, as you accelerate and turn! A great strength and aerobic workout! Even in light wind! The WindDancing Workout! The fun makes you do it!
- WindDancing is about having loads of speed & turning fun! And accidentally receiving high-quality exercise in the process! WindDances are speed-&-turning fun machines! And airborne exercise machines!
- State-of-the-art FLYING performance that excites seasoned flyers! Yet safe, easy, and great fun for families!
- More performance, exercise, and fun! From less hassle and skill!
- What about the other two tracks of dual-line flying? In trick & competition performance flying, 1) superb speed-&-turning response to pull-on-your-kite-line skill especially to pull-on-one-line skill, 2) exciting response to the wind and hot edge to power-zone acceleration, and 3) natural-feeling steering-&-turning are not wanted. These three essential FLYING qualities have been bred out of most delta kites because they're detrimental to the types of performance required for trick & competitive flying. In power flying, the three essential FLYING qualities are also irrelevant; the only thing that matters is strong pull. WindDancing offers far more performance and fun! Far more excitement and exercise!
- Want extreme fun? WindDance side-by-side with a partner! Two WindDances zipping around close together in the same airspace!
- How did we do it? By carrying on the sport's ancient tradition: the whole point of kite flying is kite FLYING! During the 1990s, sport-kiting focused on un-flying & non-flying sport-kite performance -- such as stopping it, flipping it like a coin, and tumbling it on the ground -- requiring difficult and unnatural punch-&-jerk slacken-your-kite-line skills. Sport-kiting veered away from its roots: away from the FLYING of sport kites, away from good FLYING performance, away from the basic skills that generate the highest-possible levels of speed & turning performance. Rather than going with that strange new flow, Seattle AirGear focused on high-performance sport-kite FLYING with easy and natural pull-on-your-kite-line skills!
In advertising photos of their 'performance' and 'power' kites, you can readily see the kite culture's lack of interest in good FLYING performance and basic skill: all their kites are missing the bridle components needed for powerful-turning sharply-maneuvering flight, the bridle components needed for exciting hot turning from basic skill. They lack the first essential FLYING quality to look for in a sport kite.
Look at WindDance photos. See the necessary "cross bridling?"
- We aeronautically engineered WindDances for the pure joy of FLYING! Hot acceleration & high speed, fast & powerful turning, and spectacular aerobatic agility -- all from the wind and from natural basic skills! We have watched children quickly learn to fly WindDances this way!
- Three models! The WindDance 1, 2, and 3 vary in pull, turning, and speed: the larger models pull harder, need more control movement (and flyer strength), require more turning energy (burn more of your calories), and fly faster! All three models fly wonderfully in light winds of 3-5 mph (with lower speed and lighter pull) and in strong winds of 20+ mph (with higher speed and stronger pull)! The wind, not WindDance size, has the strongest affect on pull. Choose the model that's best for you and for the wind you fly in. Five color options. Low prices. Even the WindDance 3-Pack -- a WindDance 1, 2, and 3 -- is a great deal!
- We retail direct to fliers all over the world!
We ship the same day or next day -- by Priority Mail, Express Mail, or FedEx!
- Guaranteed to perform as advertised! Guaranteed to hold up and last! Long-term product support, such as free replacement bridle parts & materials for the life of your WindDance! All from Seattle AirGear!
- The fun lasts! Occasionally rinse clean, maintain peak-tuning, and a well-used WindDance keeps looking like new and FLYING as advertised!
- Nothing else comes close! Discover the joys of WindDancing!
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WindDance dual-line parafoil stunt kites/sport kites are developed, sold, and backed by Seattle AirGear.
WindDance, WindDancing, Seattle AirGear, and AirGear are trademarks of Seattle AirGear.
Copyright © 1995-2017 Seattle AirGear.
This page last revised Sep-30-2000