Hotter speed and turning than competition kites. Higher-quality exercise and livelier pull than power kites. WindDances are "airgear," a new concept. They fly better and feel more exciting than typical stunt kites. Our other advancements: Ergo T-handles that boost feel, control, exercise. Natural active FLY-a-kite skill. |
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Good things sure happen when a kite is aeronautical-engineered to be airgear! That is, when it's made to excel at "FLYING"! A parafoil that's airgear is way more than just a "soft kite" for crashing & easy packing! Way more than a clunky "sky truck" for towing & lifting you! It can zoom & corner like a Ferrari and blow away high-tech competition deltas like THIS! Turning feels powerful, like carving on skis! Control is solid & precise, and tracking is near perfect, like it's on rails! Flying just for fun with family & friends can be as hot as THIS, far exceeding the speed & agility of competition flying! Simple 'n' easy basic skill produces the hot speed & turning and active exercise! You're the pilot, and often the engine! The workouts -- a pleasant side-effect of all this fun -- feel like THIS and can be far more strenuous than the usual power & traction flying! Choose to do it easy or hard, like with a bike or athletic shoes! Airgear is super versatile -- great for hot performance AND good exercise, light AND strong winds, beginners AND experts -- with speed & power you can tame to saner levels when you wish! The yellow banner at the top is for real! Trouble is, organized kiting and its "kite culture" steer kite flyers and the public away from "FLYING" a kite with natural active skill. They persuade the world to expect and want less from kiting. Gonna let 'em deprive YOU of fun and value? |
Does your stunt kite -- diamond, delta, parafoil -- fail Test #1 when you try active skill? Does it fly in the usual substandard way compared to the performance & handling, skill, and exercise that people normally want in their sport & recreation? Care for something much better? Step up to AirGear and Way Too Much Fun! |
Want to FLY airgear like a champ? ![]() ![]() |
The kite culture's wrist straps -- and their control bars -- ALSO prevent you from learning & using the full basic skill needed to FLY a kite well. Why not go for the best: the ![]() ![]() |
We aeronautical-engineered WindDances to be far more than the usual deltas & parafoils, and they've proven to be a technological breakthrough. Recreationists, and real FLYERS, sure love 'em! But not organized kiting: "The kite culture is resisting WindDances like the horse culture resisted the automobile," 1999 KTAI show. Instead of promoting the sport's full potential, organized kiting WON'T ALLOW kiting to be all it can be. Our advice? Dodge that kite-culture influence , heal the DAMAGE their education, kites, handles, & skills may already have done to your thinking & FLYING ability , go for REAL kite flying , and RAVE with our fans! |
When we began dual-line kiting, we were clueless about kite-culture dogma especially their strict rule about parafoils: parafoils just for "pulling" and "lifting" and aren't supposed to have hot speed & turning. So in our pursuit of fun by accident we broke all the rules and ended up with new state-of-the-art so good organized kiting rejects it, which is how we learned about their strict rules. That happens in other sports, too, but not as badly. Our quest for more fun continues. We are aeronautical engineering way-hotter totally-new REAL kite flying stuff for the future. They won't be diamonds, deltas, parafoils, or sleds. We expect to at least double speed and quadruple power per unit area, boost agility to mindblowing levels, and maybe intensify the airgear feel. If there's interest, we might play with kite-surfing engines, too: CLICK HERE. |
The usual kite-culture flying -- based on gear that prevents full performance, full skill, and full exercise from happening -- is a LIMITED version of our sport. What's the secret of REAL kite flying , the FULL-FLEDGED version? A kite with good FLYING qualities , good FLYING handles , and genuine FLYING skill. See how simple and sensible it is? We deliver all of it right HERE (the fun gear) and HERE (the fun basics). |
Sure, the kite-culture flying sold by "organized kiting" is the most popular. Does that 'prove' it's the very best? What the "kite culture" hides about their wrist straps , control bars , deltas , parafoils , competition kites , trick kites, traction kites , power-flying & stacking , pairs & team flying , premier skills, and group mentality may shock you! Had flyers KNOWN all this -- and all about REAL kite flying too -- would they have CHOSEN "kite-culture flying?" |
Would you buy a car that's missing a wheel? Make sure your new kite isn't missing BRIDLE PARTS as crucial! It's the first thing a smart flyer checks for! Besides missing key parts, lacking good performance & handling, and not holding up as well, how else do the 'best' deltas & parafoils compare to ours? Click HERE , HERE , HERE , HERE! See how the top-selling dual-line deltas & parafoils are NOT AT ALL engineered -- or built -- for real "FLYING?" |
The kite is a "WindDance." You are the "WindDancer." The activity is "WindDancing!" WindDancing is easy, fun-recreation, healthful-exercise, high-performance stunt-kite flying for people of all ages. It's what you do with a WindDance. WindDancing is new, different and offers far more performance, fun, and value than the 'performance' and 'power/traction' flying provided by organized kiting and its kite culture -- as we summarize in the yellow banner at the top of this page. How HUGE is the difference between "kite-culture flying" and WindDancing? CLICK HERE. WHY does WindDancing so wildly surpass conventional dual-line kiting in flight performance, exercise quality, and appeal to people of all ages? Because it's based on REAL kite flying -- and because what's provided by organized kiting is not. WindDance alone. Or for the most fun, WindDance side-by-side with a partner, family member, or friend -- two WindDances zipping around on the same "WindDance" flight envelope. The "WindDance" flight envelope is very different and more fun than the flight envelopes of other kites! WindDances have superior FLYING performance than other dual-line kites: diamonds, deltas, sparred-parafoils, and other parafoils. See for yourself in our RealMedia and MPEG videos. Hotter speed & turning, easier, and better exercise than 'performance' flying with delta stunt kites. Much hotter than competition kites. More speed & turning thrill, far livelier pull, and higher quality exercise than 'power & traction' flying. Really easy to fly: Only basic "pull-on-your-kite-line" skill is needed. Even children catch on fast. With a WindDance, novices can do basic "kite-FLYING" maneuvers that are next to impossible for experts with hot delta 'performance' kites. Such as fast, tight, powerful, downward turns & spins at the side-edge of the flight envelope. And fast, tight, powerful hairpin turns in the power-zone. See these basic moves in our online video clips. Challenging for experts: In stiff wind, a WindDance can do a sharp-cornered ten-foot square in less than one second. Few humans are quick enough (we certainly aren't). Enhance your skill, bring out full performance and exercise, and enjoy the highest level of hand comfort by using the new ergonomically-correct control handles based on the world's oldest and most sensible kite handle: the T-handle. A WindDance's speed & power can be tamed when necessary -- for beginners, for smaller flyers, for strong winds -- simply by attaching a pair of colorful tails that serve as airbrakes. No spars. 100% soft. Safe. Virtually indestructible. Crashes and midair collisions are OK. Compact: A WindDance in its bag can be smushed down to almost nothing; the WindDance 1 can fit into a coffee mug. Versatile: Each model is a light-wind kite AND a strong-wind kite. One WindDance covers the same wide wind range, 3-30 mph, that takes many different-sized specialized deltas to span with good performance. Speed & pull can be tuned to taste. For novices & experts. For relaxation, excitement, and exercise. Fly solo & side-by-side. Take one, or all three, with you anywhere. If you're into kite FLYING, there's no need to buy an expensive collection of specialized kites for different skill levels, different winds, or different styles of flying. "WindDancing" is a new & different type of kite flying. An exciting new form of outdoor recreation. A whole new world of fun. To WindDance, of course, you need the airgear: a WindDance by Seattle AirGear. Discover the joys of WindDancing! |
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WindDance dual-line parafoil stunt kites/sport kites are developed, sold, and backed by Seattle AirGear.
WindDance, WindDancing, Seattle AirGear, and AirGear are trademarks of Seattle AirGear.
Copyright © 1995-2017 Seattle AirGear.
Be aware of how organized kiting and its "kite culture" PREVENT real FLYING from happening. First, a quick comparison between stunt-kiting exercise -- and walking-and-running exercise. Passive FLYING is like just standing there, perhaps with a heavy backpack on, always with equal strain in your left and right legs. Active FLYING is like real walking and running: you often put all of your power into one leg at a time, and you actively do it harder to go faster. The problem with organized kiting and its "kite culture?" They won't recognize or allow active FLYING (CLICK HERE). Or good FLYING performance & handling either (CLICK HERE). They don't teach FLYING. Or its skill. Or sell the right kites and handles for it. Active FLYING and active skill are even missing from stunt competition, power & traction flying, and kite surfing. Organized kiting provides "kite-culture flying," explained below, a passive form of stunt kiting that excludes real FLYING. Suppose other organized sports had cultures similar to the "kite culture." Weight lifting would consist of hanging onto heavy barbells with your arms always pulled straight, and nobody would pump dumbbells with one arm at a time because that gear and technique would not exist. If someone even tried to introduce dumbbells and one-arm pumping, hostile peer pressure would beat it down. Similarly, race-car drivers wouldn't know about cranking the wheel AND stomping on the gas at the same time, runners and cyclists wouldn't know about the simple concept of "run or bike harder to go faster," and they wouldn't even want to know. They wouldn't want the world to know either. Such is the bizarre nature of organized kiting and its "kite culture." For the sport's sake, we wish the organized kiting/"kite culture" scene wasn't like this at all. Instead of saying that we are "whining" and "bashing," we wish they would react positively and constructively like a normal organized sport and embrace and teach real FLYING and its active skill, and sell the right kites and handles for it. We've asked them, and showed them how, for many years so far: CLICK HERE. If they would follow through, the sport would thank them -- and thrive. And we wouldn't have to write any of this. In the meantime, to easily avoid or escape that culture, to enjoy stunt-kiting as normal fun recreation, choose to fly in the world of "REAL kite flying" that joyfully exists outside of the "kite culture!" How TOTAL is the "kite culture's" kite-FLYING blackout? Have a look: Do YOU know what FLYING a kite is CLICK HERE? Or the primary fundamental: how "pull" makes "speed" and vice versa CLICK HERE , HERE? Or about the key features you need CLICK HERE for hot speed & turning, lively power, and full-body exercise? Or what basic skill is CLICK HERE? Or how simple that skill is CLICK HERE and watch this video clip WindowsMedia | QuickTime? Or how to use your arms the most natural and effective way CLICK HERE? Or how spectacular and easy real FLYING is, even side-by-side with family & friends CLICK HERE , HERE , HERE? Or what active skill is CLICK HERE , HERE? Did you already buy a diamond, delta, or parafoil stunt kite from organized kiting including their recommended control handles or control bar? Well, if you even try simple active skill with one arm -- it's as basic as pushing on a bike pedal -- you can't do it because your kite-culture kite can't do it CLICK HERE because it's missing major components CLICK HERE , and because your control handles or bar won't let you do it either CLICK HERE. It's not your fault. And you are not alone. Millions of kite flyers worldwide are handicapped in all the above ways. Organized kiting did it. Not to worry. If they did it to you, we can help you correct the bad skill habits you picked up: TIPS. From "All that kiting can be," organized kiting and its "kite culture" stripped away many key elements of fun including good performance & handling and active skill, and left little except "Getting pulled by your kite." ![]() ![]() Read how their "kite-culture flying" severely limits your fun: CLICK HERE and HERE. Read our safety basics -- CLICK HERE -- to realize how they're blocking safety, too. In the process, they severely damaged the sport including their own kite industry: CLICK HERE. WHY do they do it? CLICK HERE. Shouldn't "FLYING" a kite, with simple pull-on-a-kite-line active skill, be a normal part of "flying a kite?" We, and our many happy customers, certainly think so! Join us! Become a Fun Rebel! "Just Pull It!" to actively "FLY" in a normal and natural happy way! |